The Setsuki Market, a winter tradition in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture, was held on Sunday, January 12 in the parking lot of the Echigo-Tsumari Satoyama Museum of Contemporary Art MonET. More than 1,000 people from inside and outside the city lined up to buy “chinkoro,” a lucky charm for the New Year. The Setsuki Market will be held again on Sunday, January 19.
The Setsuki Market originated as a market where farmers brought in folk crafts made of straw and bamboo as a winter side job, and is said to have continued since the Edo period . Today, the market is popular for the sale of “chinkoro,” a good-luck charm for the koshogatsu (New Year’s Day). Chinkoro is made of kneaded Kamishinko flour that is steamed into the shape of a puppy or the Chinese zodiac sign of the year.
Around 10:00 a.m., when the sales began, about 1,000 people from the city and beyond formed a long line at the venue in search of chinchoros.
A woman visiting from the city
Last year, there was quite a line even though I came at around 8:30 a.m. I came much earlier this year, but the line was the same. This year I bought three.
A man from Gosen City
It took me less than two hours one way by expressway. I would like to discuss with my wife whether to decorate the entrance or the living room.”
A couple from Nagaoka City
I came here for the first time. I bought nine items, including a rabbit, a cat, a dog, and a snake. It was nice to be able to talk with many people while waiting in line.
A woman visiting from Chiba
I came from Chiba. I come here every year for chinchoros, and I bought zodiac snakes for my company and family.”
The four groups prepared a total of about 1,860 chinchoros, which were sold out in about two hours.
Mitsuyo Imai, Tsumari Chinkoro-Aiko-Kai
Last year, on the first day of the event, there were only a few left over, but this year’s lineup was amazing. This year was amazing. I think there were more people lined up than on the second day last year.
Akihiro Ishida, Angel Tsumari
I worked very hard to make a snake for this year’s Chinese zodiac sign of the year, which is the snake. I sprinkled gold powder on it to bring good luck in money, and I also made a long snake to make people live longer in terms of health. Each piece is handmade so that the buyer’s wish will come true, so each piece has a different expression. I would be happy if people enjoy buying them.
The seasonal market will also be held on Sunday, January 19.