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Dinosaur Adventure Tour” at APA Resort Joetsu Myoko (Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture)




The “Dinosaur Adventure Tour” featuring realistic moving large dinosaurs is being held at APA Resort Joetsu Myoko in Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture. This year, visitors can also experience stamp rally and fossil excavation at the venue.


There are 20 dinosaurs on display, including 11 species such as Tyrannosaurus and Pteranodon. They make noises and their heads and bodies move when people approach.

This year, for the second time since last year, a zone of herbivorous dinosaurs, marine dinosaurs, and carnivorous dinosaurs is being developed over the former golf course and a 1,700-meter round trip.


At the top of the course, a confrontation scene between Tyrannosaurus, the king of the land, and Mosasaurus, the king of the sea, is on display, and when the weather is nice, you can take pictures with Mount Myoko in the background.


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Family visiting from Niigata City
 It was fun and cool. I like all the dinosaurs.
 Triceratops was fun. I like Triceratops.
 My child loves dinosaurs. They answered all the quizzes correctly. I like the music and the fact that it’s done on a plateau.”


In addition, there is a fossil excavation area where visitors can find fossils in the sand and take them home with them, and a dinosaur riding area where visitors can play with dinosaurs.


APA Resort Joetsu Myoko Fukuzawa, General Manager
Last year, we had a lot of families come to our resort, especially during the summer vacations. (This year) we have increased the number of contents for visitors to enjoy. We want visitors to enjoy the world of dinosaurs.


Dinosaur Adventure Tour” admission is ¥1,000 including tax, and children under 2 years old are free. The exhibition will run until November 12. On Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through August 27, the Night Tour extends its hours until 8 p.m., allowing visitors to search for dinosaurs hidden in the darkness with lights.

APA Resort Joetsu Myoko

Address: 1090 Okemi, Myoko-shi, Niigata 949-2224
Tel: 0570-004-111
Access: 25 minutes from Myoko-Kogen IC on Joshinetsu Expressway
URL: https://www.apahotel.com/resort/myoko/

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