The “2025 Dynamite Carnival in Suginosawa,” a major winter event in the Suginosawa area of Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture, will be held on Saturday, January 18 at a special venue in the first parking lot of Myoko Suginohara Ski Resort.
This annual winter event was organized 30 years ago by the local Suginosawa Tourist Association to allow tourists to enjoy the traditional small New Year’s event “Dondoyaki” that has been held in the Suginosawa area of Myoko City. Renamed “Dynamite Carnival,” this year’s event is the ninth in the series.
Dondoyaki, the burning of a stone lantern to pray for good health and good fortune
The day will be divided into two parts: Part 1 will be held during the daytime with events and food and beverages from the food stall village, and Part 2 will be held in the evening with fireworks and food and beverages, mainly from the Dondoyaki.
The first part of the event will start at 11:00 a.m. with a stamp rally that will take visitors around the slopes, and a kids’ space will be set up near a special venue where a treasure hunt game will be held. A food stall village offering a variety of gourmet foods will also open at 11:30 am.
Fireworks Display
The second part of the evening will begin at 5:50 p.m. with a Shinto ritual with members of the Echigo Joetsu Uesugi Omotenashi Busyoutai, followed by the lighting of the Dondoyaki, and the finale of the event, a fireworks display that will light up the winter night sky.
There will also be the annual big raffle with gorgeous prizes. You may win a season ticket to a ski resort!
On the day of the event, a free shuttle bus will be available between Akakura Onsen, Ikenodaira, and the venue, Suginohara Ski Resort. Please dress warmly and enjoy the fun, deliciousness, and beauty of the Myoko region in the middle of winter.
2025 Dynamite Carnival in Suginosawa
■Date: Saturday, January 18, 11:00 – 20:00
■Venue: Special venue at Myoko Suginohara Ski Resort Parking Lot 1 (Suginosawa, Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture)
11:00~ Stamp rally (Registration)
11:30~ Food stall village opens
13:00~ Treasure hunt game starts
17:00~ Gorgeous prizes will be awarded! Smart phone game
17:50~ Echigo Joetsu Uesugi Omotenashi Busyoutai
18:00~ Dondoyaki ritual
18:30~ Lighting of the stag beetle
19:30~ Fireworks display
■Query:TEL0255-86-6000(Suginosawa Tourist Association)