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Niigata Specialty Tarekatsu HOTEL HEIMAT launches its new lunchboxes on Thursday, September 12!



Tarekatsu, Kanzuri, Sasamochi…all the goodness of Niigata!

HOTEL HEIMAT in front of Naoetsu Station in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, which has twice won the Grand Prix, the highest award in a contest targeting ekiben from eastern Japan, released a new item on Thursday, September 12 for the first time in three years. Fish is usually the main ingredient in most of HEIMAT’s ekiben, but this time it is a “tarekatsu chicken” made with pork and chicken.


This is the new “Tare Katsu Chicken”. The main ingredients are Japanese pork and chicken.

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Pork cutlets are made with a sweet and spicy “tare-katsu” sauce. The sauce is made with soy sauce from the Machida Soy Sauce and Miso Brewery in Joetsu City, and the seasoning has been improved many times.

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Chicken is grilled with salt and tasted with Kanzuri, a spicy seasoning from Myoko City. Rice is cooked in a kettle with “Koshihikari” or “Tsukiakari” rice produced in Joetsu.

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It includes “sasa-mochi” (bamboo grass rice cake) wrapped in anko (red bean paste) for dessert.

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The (workmanship) is 100 percent good. I want people to know about the delicious food in Niigata Prefecture and Joetsu City. I want it to become one of our representative bento boxes.”

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HOTEL HEIMAT has been selling ekiben since the Meiji Era. There are 16 types on the menu, most of which feature fish. So far, “cod rice (tarameshi)” and “salmon rice (sakameshi)” have each won the Grand Prix, the highest award, in JR East’s ekiben contest. However, for the first new item in three years, the ingredients chosen are not fish, which has always been the company’s forte, but meat.

For a long time now, the ekiben salesman has been inquiring if there were any meat bento available. This time we decided on a meat bento instead of fish.”

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Tarekatsu Chicken is sold at Naoetsu Station, Joetsu Myoko Station, and in front of HOTEL HEIMAT. 1500 yen per piece. If you make a reservation in advance, you can buy them in bulk. For more information, please contact HOTEL HEIMAT.


Address: 1-2-3 Chuo, Joetsu City, Niigata 942-0001
Tel: 025-543-3151
Access: Short walk from North Exit of Naoetsu Station on the Echigo Tokimeki Railway
URL: http://www.heimat.co.jp/

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