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  3. Enter a Mysterious World through the Illusion of the Eye! Trick Art Exhibition at Joetsu Science Museum (Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture)

Enter a Mysterious World through the Illusion of the Eye! Trick Art Exhibition at Joetsu Science Museum (Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture)



A special exhibition of trick art using optical illusions, very popular among children, opened at the Joetsu Science Museum in Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture, on Saturday, July 13.

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Goron with a big cat belly.

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The one pulling the luggage is… a dinosaur!

The Joetsu Science Museum has opened a trick art exhibition. On display are 14 paintings that make use of optical illusions to create the illusion of three-dimensionality despite being two-dimensional.

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You can not only enjoy looking at them, but also take magical pictures as if you have entered their world.

It’s strange that it looks like this when it’s really flat. I tried to touch it, but I couldn’t.”

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This is a work of art depicting two cheeses. If you move sideways in front of the work…something mysterious will happen. The correct answer is only available when you go there.

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Some of the works can be enjoyed on video by holding up a smartphone or other device to display an animation. Visitors can download a free application from the QR code in the exhibition room.

The Joetsu Science Museum holds a special exhibition every year in conjunction with the summer vacation of elementary and junior high schools. Trick Art was also exhibited three years ago and was very popular at the Corona Disaster.


Joetsu Science Museum Director Katsuyuki Nagai
I want you to start by becoming interested in something that makes you wonder, “What? I hope that both children and adults will immerse themselves in the works without any preconceptions. I hope that both children and adults will immerse themselves in the works without preconceptions.

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The Trick Art Exhibition is open at the Joetsu Science Museum until Sunday, August 25. Admission is 450 yen for elementary and junior high school students, 900 yen for high school students and older, and 700 yen for senior citizens.

Joetsu Science Museum

Address: 446-2 Shimomonzen, Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture
Tel: 025-544-3939
Access: <Car> 5 minutes from Joetsu IC on Hokuriku Expressway
URL: https://jscience.jp/

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