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Dinosaurs against the backdrop of Mt. Myoko!



APA Resort Joetsu Myoko “Dinosaur Adventure Tour”

The “Dinosaur Adventure Tour,” featuring a large, realistic moving dinosaur, began on Friday, March 20 at APA Resort Joetsu Myoko in Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture.


The “Dinosaur Adventure Tour” uses the grounds of a former golf course to represent three different eras of dinosaurs. There are 25 dinosaurs of 17 different species on display, including Tyrannosaurus and Pteranodon. Their heads, tails, and feet move realistically.


Visitors can learn about the global environment by looking around the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the era in which the dinosaurs lived, in turn. The size of the exhibition hall means that it is the largest of its kind in Japan.


At the top of this mountain, you can even take a picture with a 6-meter Tyrannosaurus and Mt. Myoko in the background.


ONE UP President Masayuki Yamamoto
This is our first visit to Niigata and Joetsu area. The Joetsu Myoko site is very large, and with Mt. Myoko in the background, various dinosaurs are doing their best, so please come and visit us with your friends!

Admission to the “Dinosaur Adventure Tour” is ¥1,000 (tax included), with children under 2 free. The tour will run until November 15, but during the summer vacation period, which ends August 31, the hours will be extended until 8:00 p.m. for night tours. Visitors can enjoy the thrill of using mini lights to search for dinosaurs hidden in the darkness.

If you answer the QR code quiz at the venue, you will receive a dinosaur badge.

APA Resort Joetsu Myoko

Address: 1090 Okemi, Myoko-shi, Niigata 949-2224
Tel: 0570-004-111
Access: 25 minutes from Myoko-Kogen IC on Joshinetsu Expressway
URL: https://www.apahotel.com/resort/myoko/

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